TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Interest in BBS LM 18x8.5F and 19x9R?
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Subject SELLING: Interest in BBS LM 18x8.5F and 19x9R?
Posted by maglito on April 07, 2019 at 10:52 AM
  This message has been viewed 719 times.
Screen Name:maglito
Real Name:Anthony Magliari
Location:Elmhurst, IL 60126 USA
E-mail:anthony [at]
Research maglito's post history
Message I'm considering swapping the barrels on my wheels, rear to front. Then buying a used set of 19x9F 19x10R wheels and using the back 19x10. That would leave my swapped 18x8.5 and the 19x9 wheel set. If someone is interested in this let me know, it could give me the incentive I need to go through with it.

I also have a set of 4x 18x7.5 Volk GT-C with gunmetal faces off my old Mazda too FYI...

Follow Ups
  • Interest in BBS LM 18x8.5F and 19x9R? - maglito 10:52:38 04/07/19