TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Diecast Cars on ebay, 5 days left.
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Subject SELLING: Diecast Cars on ebay, 5 days left.
Posted by GeoA(Atl)91tt on March 24, 2019 at 8:04 AM
  This message has been viewed 713 times.
Screen Name:GeoA(Atl)91tt
Real Name:George Amonette
Phone:770 634 5437
Location:Fayetteville, GA 30215 USA
Research GeoA(Atl)91tt's post history
Message Now that my car is sold! I've list my 3, 1:18 Diecast cars on ebay. One Silver, One Red, and One Yellow. Two are in excellent shape, but the Yellow one has 2 issues. I hope they go to an avid collector.

Follow Ups
  • Diecast Cars on ebay, 5 days left. - GeoA(Atl)91tt 08:04:15 03/24/19