TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Garret GTX 2971s
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Subject SELLING: Garret GTX 2971s
Posted by Tech@EPR on March 17, 2019 at 7:42 PM
  This message has been viewed 842 times.
Screen Name:Tech@EPR
Real Name:M Wilson
Location:Ft. Worth, TX 76009 USA
Research Tech@EPR's post history
Message I have a set of GTX 2971 turbos for sale. Brand new never used. T04 4" compressor inlets with 2" outlets. Garrett Vband turbine housings. .83 A/R hotside with a 90 trim cold side. 1000+hp setup.

Reason for selling is client is going bigger. Turbos are boxed up and ready to ship. $2500 shipped OBO

Follow Ups
  • Garret GTX 2971s - Tech@EPR 19:42:04 03/17/19