TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Carbotech pads, Hawk Pads, Napa Pads.
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Subject SELLING: Carbotech pads, Hawk Pads, Napa Pads.
Posted by NicelowZ on February 20, 2019 at 8:47 AM
  This message has been viewed 683 times.
Screen Name:NicelowZ
Real Name:Paul Hallquist
Location:Harrisonburg, Va 22801 USA
Research NicelowZ's post history
Message Have a few sets of brake pads for sale. Prices include shipping.

Brake Images

First up the Carbotech pads. Part#CT460 XP20 and CT461 XP12. Had these on the car for one track day and were taken off. They bite super hard. Not recommended for daily use. Paid over $400 for both sets. Ill take $250

Hawk HB178 N.564. NiB $75

Set of oem pads from napa. Front were used for maybe 1000 miles. Rears brand new. $45

Brake Images

Thanks! Paul

Follow Ups
  • Carbotech pads, Hawk Pads, Napa Pads. - NicelowZ 08:47:04 02/20/19