TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Cleaning out the garage
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: Cleaning out the garage
Posted by platinumist on February 04, 2019 at 10:46 AM
  This message has been viewed 821 times.
Screen Name:platinumist
Real Name:Clint Whitney
Location:Sacramento, CA 95662 USA
Research platinumist's post history
Message I can ship from Sacramento. Paypal only please. Items also listed on eBay, user cwhi2809.

Stock turbos (manual trans) with about 5k miles on them. Minimal shaft play, about a normal amount for journal bearing turbos. $300 OBO

Wiring specialties injector sub harness OLD STYLE. $15

OEM tail lights. Right one has a very small chip. Make offer.

N62 MAF untested X2. $80 OBO

Used AMS 3" 4 bolt down pipes. $200

Used OEM timing tensioner used for 5k miles. $60

Used ABS module/computer X2. $30

Used TT FPCU $50

Used TT suspension control module. $30

Follow Ups
  • Cleaning out the garage - platinumist 10:46:06 02/04/19