TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Custom Steve Millen helmet tribute decals
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Subject SELLING: Custom Steve Millen helmet tribute decals
Posted by stephensjpZ32x2 on January 20, 2019 at 5:04 PM
  This message has been viewed 754 times.
Screen Name:NashNative
Real Name:Jay Stephenson
Location:Franklin, TN 37067 USA
Research NashNative's post history
Message I had these custom 4"x4" decals made through Sticker Mule and wanted to see if anyone on here was interested. I have ten left and am asking $5 per decal. Please shoot me an email if you're interested in one and I will get in touch with you.



Follow Ups
  • Custom Steve Millen helmet tribute decals - stephensjpZ32x2 17:04:22 01/20/19