TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Looking for a Conzult program.
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Subject WANTED: Looking for a Conzult program.
Posted by Woody75 (Denver) on December 12, 2018 at 8:51 AM
  This message has been viewed 632 times.
Screen Name:Woody75 (Denver)
Real Name:Tim O'Connor
Phone:720 nine77 74two4
Location:Westminster, CO 80021 USA
E-mail:Timothy dot oconnor at
Research Woody75 (Denver)'s post history
Message Looking to buy a used Conzult program from someone. Only need the program, not the cable. I had it many many years ago but it was lost at one point. I don't even remember how it ended up in my hands to begin with. There are only a few options on it that I would like to have, not enough to warrant buying a whole new program as it's pretty pricey still and I've been getting by without it.

Please do not email me letting me know:
*There is a free version (doesnt have what I want out of it)
*There are other programs out there (I have most of them, again they don't have what I want)

Let me know, thanks.

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