TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Steering Column U-joint, Alternator
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Subject SELLING: Steering Column U-joint, Alternator
Posted by Donatello on November 13, 2018 at 6:10 PM
  This message has been viewed 784 times.
Screen Name:Donatello
Real Name:Alan Smith
Location:Houston, TX 77005 USA
Research Donatello's post history
Message Steering U-joint (48080-30P01) is borderline brand new, has 1.5K on it. Made turning feel super smooth. Asking 145 shipped. (Pic of the part I am talking about)

Alternator was rebuilt locally, worked VERY well for the past 3K miles. Funny enough it made my gauge lights the brightest they have ever been. Asking 150 shipped.

Follow Ups
  • Steering Column U-joint, Alternator - Donatello 18:10:35 11/13/18