TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Stillen Side Mount's & 555 CC Injectors
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Subject SELLING: Stillen Side Mount's & 555 CC Injectors
Posted by TTwinZ (CT) on September 24, 2018 at 11:11 AM
  This message has been viewed 908 times.
Screen Name:TTwinZ (CT)
Real Name:Don Henderson
Location:East Hartford, CT 06108 USA
Research TTwinZ (CT)'s post history
Message Have a set of brand new never installed Stillen Side mount Inter-coolers. Asking $500 for them. Also have a set of brand new never installed old style Nismo 555CC Injectors. Purple top, direct drop in for old fuel rails. Asking $650 for those. Can send pictures of everything upon request.

Follow Ups
  • Stillen Side Mount's & 555 CC Injectors - TTwinZ (CT) 11:11:43 09/24/18