TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - WTB ISO 5 zigen fno1r-c 17x10
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Subject WANTED: WTB ISO 5 zigen fno1r-c 17x10
Posted by Dane (Houston) on September 16, 2018 at 3:09 AM
  This message has been viewed 672 times.
Screen Name:Dane (Houston)
Real Name:Dane Miller
Phone:713 204 8136
Location:Houston, TX 77070 USA
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Message i found i have a bent one. ill by one a pair or a whole set

i have 17x10 et35 on my r32 gtr AWD so i must keep square sizes. I can vary the ET if i get a matching pairs on each axle. et35, 30,25,20 would work i dont recall they ets they sold in but mine are 35

let me know
call text or email. must give pics and guaranty of no bends or out of round
713-204-8136 cell call or text
936-463-8966 work call email

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