TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Bone white interior pieces
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Subject SELLING: Bone white interior pieces
Posted by Master_Blaster on July 08, 2018 at 12:48 PM
  This message has been viewed 803 times.
Screen Name:Master_Blaster
Real Name:Brent Lawson
Location:Virginia Beach, VA 23456 USA
Research Master_Blaster's post history
Message I have 2x complete bone white interiors and extra pieces I pulled from 2 convertible junkyard cars. I also have a set of bone white door handles and trim, a passenger door handle and trim, 2 sets of 93 and under door cards, 1 set of 94+ door cards, and 3 sets of bone white door jamb sills. I am open to fair offers, am located in San Diego and am willing to ship.

Text 619-840-0028 if you are interested and would like pictures.

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