TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 1993 Convertible with extras. College Boy gauges, race logic
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Subject SELLING: 1993 Convertible with extras. College Boy gauges, race logic
Posted by AxleZTTic on June 26, 2018 at 5:54 PM
  This message has been viewed 1082 times.
Screen Name:AxleZTTic
Real Name:Darren Hart
Location:Summerland, BC V0H1Z2 Canada
Research AxleZTTic's post history
Message Follow the link for more details on the car and the parts. Hoping to sell all together as a package. The gauge cluster was bought from member College Boy, as well as his race logic setup and SPL suspension parts. Never installed any of them, they've been sitting waiting for the TT swap to happen. Anyways, email if interested.

Follow Ups
  • 1993 Convertible with extras. College Boy gauges, race logic - AxleZTTic 17:54:24 06/26/18