TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Nismo 555's and Nismo adjustable FPR
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Subject SELLING: Nismo 555's and Nismo adjustable FPR
Posted by Zbullet on March 03, 2018 at 4:40 PM
  This message has been viewed 795 times.
Screen Name:Zbullet
Real Name:Neil Hannington
Location:Toronto, On L6H 7L3 Canada
Research Zbullet's post history
Message Purple top NISMO 555's (early style). All 6 ohm out at 11.3. $400

I can throw in the fuel rail if interested but that'll impact the shipping cost.

Nismo adjustable FPR ($120). Very few miles (<10,000). Works great. Going with braided lines so this one is of no use to me.

Follow Ups
  • Nismo 555's and Nismo adjustable FPR - Zbullet 16:40:51 03/03/18