TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - >>>One Week to MegaZ WingZ Deadline<<<
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Subject SELLING: >>>One Week to MegaZ WingZ Deadline<<<
Posted by MegaZ on February 21, 2018 at 7:45 PM
  This message has been viewed 1233 times.
Screen Name:MegaZ
Real Name:David Gardner
Phone:please use email
Location:Mount Airy, NC 27030 USA
Research MegaZ's post history
Message I already have 5 paid orders, so the Group Buy is a go. Get on board!

I will be finishing a large order for Z1 Motorsports in the next couple of weeks, so I am opening a new Group Buy, which will close at midnight, February 28. Production will begin thereafter. Orders will be made in order of payment. The first to pay will be the first to play.

My Regular price on any polished stainless steel WingZ is $160.00. That is the price at which Z1 Motorsports retails standard units. Sometimes I offer a sale price of $120.00.

The following POLISHED SS WingZ in standard TT configuration are on sale for this GROUP BUY at $100.00 plus $17 shipping East of the Mississippi/$20 West...


...and ANY other radiator except for Z1 Howe, OEM TT and OEM NA, which I wholesale to Z1 (see caveat directly below)

ALL RADIATOR makes, including those excepted above, are on sale for this GROUP BUY at $100.00 plus shipping if you exercise one or more of the following Custom Options:

*Open radiator tray
*Open front edge (for access to nose panel)
*No hood prop clip hole
*NA core support
*NA side panels
*VIN plate cut-out

Any of these options is/are available at no extra cost.

Powdercoated Aluminum?...same price/shipping, in ANY CONFIGURATION
Raw Aluminum?...$80 plus shipping, in ANY CONFIGURATION

Inquiries? me

NA core support/NA side panels

Standard TT core support application

Open front

Standard NA core support configuration with TT side panels

VIN cutout/NA core support/NA side panels

OEM NA radiator

I need commitments from 5 buyers to proceed with this GROUP BUY, which closes February 28, and after which time cutting commences...

Follow Ups
  • >>>One Week to MegaZ WingZ Deadline<<< - MegaZ 19:45:36 02/21/18