TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Real Carbon Fiber Engine Dress Up PKG!
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Subject SELLING: Real Carbon Fiber Engine Dress Up PKG!
Posted by kmahmood(interior-innovations) on February 20, 2018 at 3:07 PM
  This message has been viewed 1106 times.
Screen Name:kmahmood(interior-innovations)
Real Name:Khalid Mahmood
Location:Saginaw, MI 48185 USA
Research kmahmood(interior-innovations)'s post history
Message Interior-Innovations is now offering authentic Carbon Fiber Engine Dress up Package! You can now have Timing Belt, Throttle Cable, Radiator

Fan Shroud covers in real Carbon Fiber! New product added, 3 piece Radiator Air Guide in real carbon fiber! This is the real deal!! All of these

items are brand new made with real carbon fiber, they are not old stock units with carbon fiber layover, hence, no cores or deposits are

needed!! Made with vacuum infusion technology using high temp resistant UV protected gel/resins

If you attend car shows then these are the must have items! These carbon fiber items completely transform the look of your engine


See pricing below or on our website:

3 Piece Radiator Air Guide = $190 + shipping
Carbon Fiber Radiator Fan Shroud = $145 + shipping.
Carbon Fiber Timing Belt Covers (with or without P.T.U holes, you may or may not need to remove the C.A.S seal to have the covers fit

properly) = $335 + shipping.
Carbon Fiber Throttle Cable Cover = $135 + shipping.

Carbon Fiber Engine Compartment Combo, comes with Throttle Cable Cover, Timing Belt Covers, Radiator Fan Shroud Cover and 3 Piece Radiator Air Guide = $740 +


You can order "timing belt covers" with or without P.T.U holes.

Let us know if you have any questions.


IMG 3285">
IMG 3283">
IMG 3285">
IMG 3287">
timing belt covers without holes">

Thanks for looking!

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