TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - A'PEXi AVC-R and balance tube
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Subject SELLING: A'PEXi AVC-R and balance tube
Posted by ZLover4Life on February 18, 2018 at 5:59 PM
  This message has been viewed 861 times.
Screen Name:ZLover4Life
Real Name:Randy XXX
Phone:(708) xxx-xxxx
Location:Chicago, IL xxxxx USA
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Message Was straightening up my garage and came across these.

$175 for the AVC-R, $25 for the balance tube. Prices not including shipping (local pickup available in Chicagoland).

AVC-R came off my TT around nine years ago. Will refund upon return if found to be non-functioning. I just want it to go to someone who'll use it. The clips on the electrical connectors are broken, but A'PEXi does sell that stuff individually if needed.

Image of AVR-R

Image of balance tube

Follow Ups
  • A'PEXi AVC-R and balance tube - ZLover4Life 17:59:34 02/18/18