TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - OEM Goodies- Arm Rests / Dead Pedal / DIN Pckt / Center Caps
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Subject SELLING: OEM Goodies- Arm Rests / Dead Pedal / DIN Pckt / Center Caps
Posted by BCs300z on December 16, 2017 at 8:41 PM
  This message has been viewed 1063 times.
Screen Name:BCs300z
Real Name:BC AJBeauford
Phone:Please email me
Location:Honolulu, HI 96818 USA
Research BCs300z's post history
Message I have a few odds and ends laying about that could use a good home.

Since I know this community understands the values of things, I'm taking offers on all parts. Shipping is from Hawaii via USPS flat rate box or smaller. Flat shipping rate of $10 on all parts. If more, I will pay the difference.

OEM Leather Arm Rests (pulled from my 93 NA w/ 99K miles). They are in immaculate shape. Only notable is a very small surface abrasion on the drivers side... not a cut... just a scratch.

BRAND NEW Dead Pedal in bag

NEW CONDITION OEM DIN Pocket. Installed in car for about 6 months (700 miles)

LIKE NEW condition OEM Center Caps. No fading. Not repainted.


Follow Ups
  • OEM Goodies- Arm Rests / Dead Pedal / DIN Pckt / Center Caps - BCs300z 20:41:11 12/16/17