TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z32 Silhouette Style Poster
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Subject SELLING: Z32 Silhouette Style Poster
Posted by Ahmed (NoVA) on November 28, 2017 at 5:54 PM
  This message has been viewed 1186 times.
Screen Name:Ahmed (NoVA)
Real Name:Ahmed Rashid
Location:Fairfax, VA 22031 USA
E-mail:azrashid at
Research Ahmed (NoVA)'s post history
Message I am selling the classic Z32 silhouette style poster. The car in the photo is my old Z32. This was an incredibly difficult shot to setup and to get the lighting just right. This will make a great Christmas gift for someone.

The prints are 12 x 18 in size and will be printed on high quality Kodak Professional paper in a professional printing lab (not Costco or Walmart). Your poster won't have the watermark. $30 shipped via paypal gift (or add 3%). If you want a 20x30, I can do that for $60 shipped. Thanks!

Z32 Poster

Follow Ups
  • Z32 Silhouette Style Poster - Ahmed (NoVA) 17:54:40 11/28/17