TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 2 K&N cone intake filters
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Subject SELLING: 2 K&N cone intake filters
Posted by outkaZTT on October 20, 2017 at 10:44 AM
  This message has been viewed 842 times.
Screen Name:outkaZTT
Real Name:Mike S
Location:Phoenix, AZ 85298 USA
Research outkaZTT's post history
Message I had to buy 2 of the short filters off of the 350z to fit them after recirculating my BOVs so I no longer need these. They are K&N cone filters, cleaned and oiled and ready to go. They are the filters only, no venturi included.

Asking $20 each

Follow Ups
  • 2 K&N cone intake filters - outkaZTT 10:44:01 10/20/17