TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - TT complete roller
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Subject WANTED: TT complete roller
Posted by KeepinitClassy on October 14, 2017 at 9:04 PM
  This message has been viewed 815 times.
Screen Name:KeepinitClassy
Real Name:Brent c
Location:Southern Maine, 03904 USA
Research KeepinitClassy's post history
Message Looking for a complete roller that is missing the engine/transmission. If you have something close to this that is missing some of the interior I still may be interested.

Not interested in doing a lot of body, if some is needed that's fine but not looking for rust buckets.

Pearl yellow would be an ideal choice but I know that's wishful thinking. Let me know if you have a project that never got finished or have something you want to get rid of that fits that description.

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