TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Oem Intercooler Piping and Other TT Parts
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Subject SELLING: Oem Intercooler Piping and Other TT Parts
Posted by Joe@Dewla_DeZign on September 13, 2017 at 4:01 AM
  This message has been viewed 995 times.
Screen Name:Joe@Dewla_DeZign
Real Name:Joe Lala
Location:Dayton, OH 45424 USA
Research Joe@Dewla_DeZign's post history
Message I have a full set of O.E /I.C Piping -Couplers included.

Several sets of valve covers, 10 sets of coil pack brackets (bead blasted and ready for paint or polish)

I may have other items that you need, just shoot me an email with what you are looking for and I will check my inventory.

Make reasonable offers.
Feel free to text me at anytime.


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