TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Stillen sway bar rear. Power steering NA 94 set up.
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Subject SELLING: Stillen sway bar rear. Power steering NA 94 set up.
Posted by zxnazx(tt) on August 30, 2017 at 1:43 PM
  This message has been viewed 973 times.
Screen Name:zxnazx(tt)
Real Name:dennis vovnyar
Phone:916 769 1299
Location:sacramento, CA 95605 USA
Research zxnazx(tt)'s post history
Message Selling a new stillen sway bar with all that you need
it sat on the car for 3 years but over all is new.
120 plus shiping or local pick up.

95 NA power steering pump/pulley/braket/bolts, high pressure line, power steering reservoir all as a swap
200 plus shipping or local pick up.

Follow Ups
  • Stillen sway bar rear. Power steering NA 94 set up. - zxnazx(tt) 13:43:11 08/30/17