TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Selling my 94 TT need advice
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Subject SELLING: Selling my 94 TT need advice
Posted by lloyd on August 25, 2017 at 7:22 PM
  This message has been viewed 1119 times.
Screen Name:lloyd
Real Name:Lloyd Williams
Location:Apex, NC 27539-579 United States
Research lloyd's post history
Message I have a fully stock 94 Twin Turbo that I've had and loved for the last 17 years. My wife made me promise to sell it when I just bought a new Camaro SS. The car has been sitting for a couple of years but was running when I parked it. I have it at my mechanic who is going to do a little work on it. The car is pretty good shape. 125k miles on the car. The cherry pearl paint is faded on the hood and spoiler. The interior is in very good shape, except minor wear on the seats and the steering wheel leather needs to be replaced. How much should I ask for the car? Where is the best place to sell it?

Follow Ups
  • Selling my 94 TT need advice - lloyd 19:22:40 08/25/17