Worn or oil soaked steering rack bushings are often the cause of steering wheel shake, sloppy steering response, slipping alignment and a steering wheel that doesn't return to center after a curve. Replacing the soft rubber bushing w. a firmer polyurethane one is a great little mod that won't break the bank but the hassle of the install turns a lot of people away and shops love to gouge for this service.
I include a fully illustrated install guide plus a long fully threaded bolt which is 8.8 grade (or higher) to help resecure the drivers side mounting bracket. Install should take 30-60min using hand tools.
$25 Shipped - bushings (red), bolt and install guide
If you have a color preference please email me and I'll try to accommodate your request.
Follow Ups
Energy Suspension STEERING RACK Bushings with long bolt $25 - Bernie (NoVA)01:19:19 07/29/17