TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - >>>ONE Polished Stainless Steel NA Airguide<<<
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Subject SELLING: >>>ONE Polished Stainless Steel NA Airguide<<<
Posted by MegaZ on July 05, 2017 at 7:42 PM
  This message has been viewed 878 times.
Screen Name:MegaZ
Real Name:David Gardner
Phone:please use email
Location:Mount Airy, NC 27030 USA
Research MegaZ's post history

Sometimes when making my WingZ, I screw up. And sometimes I can salvage either the radiator bracket or the airguide. This time, I was able to save the airguide and it is specifically for the NA core support. There are no "universal mounting option" holes for the TT core support. There is no branding and no "Z" cutout.

Ships with hardware and instructions for $50.00

Follow Ups
  • >>>ONE Polished Stainless Steel NA Airguide<<< - MegaZ 19:42:15 07/05/17