TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - URGENT! CZP Silicone turbo oil return hoses.
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Subject WANTED: URGENT! CZP Silicone turbo oil return hoses.
Posted by Pearl_TTZ on May 28, 2017 at 12:52 AM
  This message has been viewed 793 times.
Screen Name:Polar_Engineering
Real Name:Aleksey K
Location:Daly City, CA 94014 United States
Research Polar_Engineering's post history
Message I urgently need these hoses, but CZP is out and will only have them in 3 weeks. I have a tune appointment before then and need to eliminate a tiny oil leak I am having there. I already ordered a set, but cannot really wait until CZP renews stock. If you have these hoses laying around and won't be using them in the next 3 weeks, PLEASE sell them to me. As soon as I get my new set from CZP, I will overnight them to you. I just need these hoses ASAP!!!

Follow Ups
  • URGENT! CZP Silicone turbo oil return hoses. - Pearl_TTZ 00:52:52 05/28/17