TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Jl audio stealthbox
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Subject SELLING: Jl audio stealthbox
Posted by sjz on May 24, 2017 at 9:24 AM
  This message has been viewed 938 times.
Screen Name:sjz
Real Name:seth m
Location:sacramento, ca 95816 USA
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Message Excellent condition stealthbox, This is by far the best way to add great bass to your system. I've got two of them and this one is sitting taking up space.

Re ringed the JL audio 10 inch dual voice coil but am noticing some distortion at higher volumes so the speaker voicecoil will need to be replaced at some point or just put in a new 10 inch woofer.

Text for pics and info if serious 4154975180

Follow Ups
  • Jl audio stealthbox - sjz 09:24:10 05/24/17