TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 1992 2+2 TwinTurbo JDM RHD
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: 1992 2+2 TwinTurbo JDM RHD
Posted by quadratique on April 17, 2017 at 7:20 PM
  This message has been viewed 874 times.
Screen Name:quadratique
Real Name:Charles Hein
Phone:(819) 561-9292
Location:Gatineau, QC J8T7R5 Canada
E-mail:quadratique at videotron dot ca
Research quadratique's post history
Message Wondering if anyone may be interested in buying a JDM RHD 300zx 2+2 TwinTurbo ?

The car is an 1992 model so it is eligible for import in the US.

The car has 120 000 KM.

I will send details on request.

Contact me if you are interested.


Follow Ups
  • 1992 2+2 TwinTurbo JDM RHD - quadratique 19:20:59 04/17/17