TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - WTB: Front lowering spring/ coilover (front only)
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Subject WANTED: WTB: Front lowering spring/ coilover (front only)
Posted by Smokiedabear on March 21, 2017 at 9:46 AM
  This message has been viewed 721 times.
Screen Name:Smokiedabear
Real Name:bob dole
Location:raleigh, nc 27604 USA
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Message I put sprint springs on my z and it setup the rear perfect, the front too low.

I basically want the Tein H-tech springs but don't want to spend 170 on them.

I am looking for a used good condition (cosmetics I dont care about) coilover or lower spring that will only lower the car .5-.8"

Let me know and thank you!

Follow Ups
  • WTB: Front lowering spring/ coilover (front only) - Smokiedabear 09:46:44 03/21/17