TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - z32 TT Guage cluster - in kilometers all works 80 shipped
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Subject SELLING: z32 TT Guage cluster - in kilometers all works 80 shipped
Posted by Smokiedabear on January 26, 2017 at 5:09 PM
  This message has been viewed 768 times.
Screen Name:Smokiedabear
Real Name:bob dole
Location:raleigh, nc 27604 USA
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Message pulled from running donor car.

Since being stored the tach went all the way over past the 9k rev, I dont think this, motorcycles this has happened to me before and goes straight back to where it should be once hooked up.

80 shipped, 140k kilometer/ 80k mile.

Follow Ups
  • z32 TT Guage cluster - in kilometers all works 80 shipped - Smokiedabear 17:09:03 01/26/17