TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 5spd swap, na PS swap....more.
People Seeking Info

Subject SELLING: 5spd swap, na PS swap....more.
Posted by white22sky on December 26, 2016 at 12:37 PM
  This message has been viewed 732 times.
Screen Name:white22sky
Real Name:cody gilbertson
Location:madison, wi 53521 USA
Research white22sky's post history
Message We've got an over stock on parts. Let us know what you need. We can install all parts or ship anywhere in the world. Parts ship in 24hrs unless otherwise noted.

NA PS conversion set $350.00
740cc injectors with or without conversion kit. Starting at $700.00
SSR integral a2 wheels 500.00
5spd conversion sans clutch booster $800.00

So much more.
Call text or email Cody
608 960 6638

Follow Ups
  • 5spd swap, na PS swap....more. - white22sky 12:37:39 12/26/16