TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ASP Lightweight Crank Pulley with H.I. Overdrive H20 Pulley
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Subject SELLING: ASP Lightweight Crank Pulley with H.I. Overdrive H20 Pulley
Posted by zquikone on December 21, 2016 at 1:12 PM
  This message has been viewed 852 times.
Screen Name:zquikone
Real Name:Eric C
Location:Los Angeles, CA 90026 USA
Research zquikone's post history
Message The ASP (Auto Specialties) lightweight crank pulley works on both TT and NA Z32s. Gain some HP and low end torque by shaving weight off the crank and underdriving accessories.

The H.I. overdrive water pump pulley counters the ASP pulley's underdrive and brings the water pump back to normal speed to prevent overheating.

Stock ~13.25 lbs vs. ASP ~2.25 lbs

Includes belts that work with 90-96NA or 94-96TT (NA Power Steering Pump)
Used for approximately 20K miles.

$165 shipped in the USA | PayPal
(Original Price New is $230 before shipping from Import Parts Pro)

Follow Ups
  • ASP Lightweight Crank Pulley with H.I. Overdrive H20 Pulley - zquikone 13:12:59 12/21/16