TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Left fog light assembly and charcoal pass. door bezel
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Subject WANTED: Left fog light assembly and charcoal pass. door bezel
Posted by doug8867 on December 08, 2016 at 5:57 PM
  This message has been viewed 770 times.
Screen Name:doug8867
Real Name:Doug Richards
Location:Indianapolis, IN 46256 USA
E-mail:perna at
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Message Looking for the complete left fog light assembly in pristine condition. The front lens portion and the rear portion of the light.

Also looking for the interior plastic bezel that goes around the passenger door handle. Charcoal color. Mine has faded/become chalky over the years so looking to replace it.

And if you happen to have the little center charcoal piece that goes around the opening for rear trunk latch let me know that too.

Please send pics and let me know price shipped to Indy, 46256.


Follow Ups
  • Left fog light assembly and charcoal pass. door bezel - doug8867 17:57:55 12/08/16