TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 120K Kit components
People Seeking Info

Subject WANTED: 120K Kit components
Posted by Polish on November 14, 2016 at 2:07 AM
  This message has been viewed 727 times.
Screen Name:Polishzx
Real Name:Eric J
Location:Bay Area, CA 94949 United States
Research Polishzx's post history
Message Looking to piece together a 120K kit. Going to buy new from a vendor, but thought I would see if anyone has any individual components they're trying to get rid of first. Only looking for NEW OEM, Particularly looking for:

-Timing Belt
-Auto Tensioner
-Water Pump
-1x Crank Seal
-4x Cam Seals
-VTC O-Ring seals

Follow Ups
  • 120K Kit components - Polish 02:07:57 11/14/16