TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z brochures and memorbilia
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Subject SELLING: Z brochures and memorbilia
Posted by 608Z on November 12, 2016 at 5:10 PM
  This message has been viewed 890 times.
Screen Name:608Z
Real Name:skyler gilbertson
Location:brooklyn, wi 53521 USA
Research 608Z's post history
Message If there is any interest in having Z memorabilia for your car let me know. I have been getting brochures for my 92 Z and can get more if people are interested. They are very interesting to read and filled with facts about the production and design of the Z.

z book photo IMG_20161112_151245_zpste9nuarp.jpg">

z book photo IMG_20161112_151318_zps24ug6kqk.jpg">

z int photo IMG_20161112_163353_zpse6ik8rzq.jpg">

Full Road & Track dedicated to the z32

rd n trk photo IMG_20161112_151351_zpsghh9pvyl.jpg">

Follow Ups
  • Z brochures and memorbilia - 608Z 17:10:04 11/12/16