TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Odometer / odo motor
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Subject WANTED: Odometer / odo motor
Posted by nb623107 on October 19, 2016 at 11:11 AM
  This message has been viewed 847 times.
Screen Name:joylessly988
Real Name:John Smith
Location:, USA
Research joylessly988's post history
Message Hi folks, I'm in need of a new electric motor that runs the odometer on a 1991+ Twin Turbo. I've included a picture link below that shows what I'm talking about, and it appears that some different models of gauge clusters don't have this same motor and plug design. If you have a gauge cluster that you've separated (or are willing to) to sell just this little motor that runs that odometer, I'd hugely appreciate it. If you have a gauge cluster with this design that you'd sell whole as well, send me an offer and I may consider buying the entire cluster.

Prefer e-mail for first point of contact.

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Follow Ups
  • Odometer / odo motor - nb623107 11:11:01 10/19/16