TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - 608Z Now offering oem spec short blocks
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Subject SELLING: 608Z Now offering oem spec short blocks
Posted by 608Z on October 11, 2016 at 4:43 PM
  This message has been viewed 970 times.
Screen Name:608Z
Real Name:skyler gilbertson
Location:brooklyn, wi 53521 USA
Research 608Z's post history
Message With our vehicle's gaining value in the OEM form we thought it'd be nice if someone offered a short block that didn't cost an arm and a leg. If you are in need of one and would just like to keep it stock we're here for you!

Shorts include;
- Magnafluxed blocks
- Ultrasonically cleaned
- New Nissan Piston kit
- New bearings of your choice
- Fully balanced rotating assembly
-Ensure crank and rod specs meet factory spec
- All passages are cleaned
- Oil gallery plugs tapped
- New oil restrictors
- Water passage casting removal
- Engines compression tested to spec
- New freeze plugs
These will be built ready to go so you can start bolting on your parts.
Blocks are made when ordered so please allow 3 to 4 weeks for shipment. 650.00 core charge will be assessed unless sending your block first.
Introductory prices starting at 1950.00 through 2016.


Follow Ups
  • 608Z Now offering oem spec short blocks - 608Z 16:43:20 10/11/16