TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - TwinTurbo OEM Rear Wheels
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Subject SELLING: TwinTurbo OEM Rear Wheels
Posted by TurboTurtle (WaldorfMD) on October 09, 2016 at 11:48 AM
  This message has been viewed 799 times.
Screen Name:TurboTurtle (WaldorfMD)
Real Name:B. Davis
Location:waldorf, Md 20602 USA
Research TurboTurtle (WaldorfMD)'s post history
Message I have quite a few parts up for sell from the recent cleaning of my garage. I am going to list them item for item along with the price. If you see something you may be interested in please shoot me an email. I have a pair of OEM Nissan 300zx wheels from one of my TwinTurbo parts car. I want 280.00 Obo for them. They are in good condition for their age. No deep curb gouges only some minor scratches.

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