TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Rack and Pinion hardline
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Subject WANTED: Rack and Pinion hardline
Posted by LIBRILZ on October 04, 2016 at 1:43 PM
  This message has been viewed 721 times.
Screen Name:Donatello
Real Name:Alan Smith
Location:Houston, TX 77005 USA
Research Donatello's post history
Message There is a hardline that comes off of the Steering Rack and goes from the passenger side of the rack to the driver side of the rack. I don't know how but mine has crimp in it and I'm certain it would inhibit flow, If anyone happens to have this line off a rack lying around I wouldn't mind buying it from you.

Follow Ups
  • Rack and Pinion hardline - LIBRILZ 13:43:55 10/04/16