TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Twin Td06-20G kit and then some. $2600
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Subject SELLING: Twin Td06-20G kit and then some. $2600
Posted by z32HighonPSI on September 21, 2016 at 10:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 928 times.
Screen Name:z32HighonPSI
Real Name:Steve luther
Phone:860 593 6654
Location:plymouth, CT 06786 USA
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Message Greddy/Trust Twin TD06-20g kit

TD06-20G turbos
Intercooler Piping
Tubular Manifolds
Trust/Greddy External Wastegates
First section 3" exhaust pipe
RC 850cc Injectors
ECU with Jim Wolf Eprom set to 850cc (Included, but not pictures)

 photo IMG_0002_zpsayywngsb.jpg

 photo IMG_0004_zpsvk7zqqok.jpg

Follow Ups
  • Twin Td06-20G kit and then some. $2600 - z32HighonPSI 22:13:31 09/21/16