TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - HUGE garage sale! 615cc's, Nistune ECU, Blitz DSBC, MAFS etc
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Subject SELLING: HUGE garage sale! 615cc's, Nistune ECU, Blitz DSBC, MAFS etc
Posted by Stanky on September 12, 2016 at 6:03 PM
  This message has been viewed 1096 times.
Screen Name:Stanky (BC)
Real Name:Patrick Stankiewicz
Location:Vancouver, BC v2w2c1 Canada
Research Stanky (BC)'s post history
Message Hey guys, this all has to go! Going Haltech, and the Z pile of parts that I will no longer need will have to find a new home. I am VERY negotiable on prices, so email me if there is something that you would like. All OEM parts were upgraded at 59,000 miles. All aftermarket parts have 10-15,000 miles on them. All prices are SHIPPED

-OEM 91'TT ECU with Nistune board...$480

Nismo/Tomei 615cc New style Injectors- all 6 ohm'd at 11 ohms, no issues, need bigger for E85 .... $480

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Blitz Dual Solenoid Boost Controller, works flawlessly, comes with everything you need...$500

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Selin Translator and Elbows(no bracket)...$250

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2 MAF's, zero issues ...$100/each or $160 for both

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OEM Clutch Master Cylinder, 60k when removed, zero issues...$50

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OEM Intercoolers, removed at 60k.. $50 w/o ducts, $75 w/ducts

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R12 AC compressor.. $80

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OEM manual Turbos, one spins freely, one doesn't spin at all. Puffed a lot of blue before they were removed, perhaps rebuildable? $100 for both. Removed at 60k

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Spare IACV, wasn't the problem with my idle issues, didn't bother putting it back in. $100

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OEM manifolds and downpipes, removed at 60k. $80 for all it all, and yes you can have the o2 sensor as well.

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Hard Pipes and OEM pipes.. $50 each

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Throttle cable covers- $20 each or free if you buy something else
EGR valve- $20 or free if you buy something else
Cruise control- $20 also free if you buy something else

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Follow Ups
  • HUGE garage sale! 615cc's, Nistune ECU, Blitz DSBC, MAFS etc - Stanky 18:03:35 09/12/16