TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - New GZA accessories "Z" logo cufflinks
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Subject SELLING: New GZA accessories "Z" logo cufflinks
Posted by ArubaDave on August 26, 2016 at 5:36 PM
  This message has been viewed 956 times.
Screen Name:ArubaDave
Real Name:David Govaard
Location:Oranjestad, NA N/A Aruba
Research ArubaDave's post history
Message 300ZX Z32 Z logo cuff links are finished. Price: $19 shipped

I also have them for the 240Z , 260Z , 280Z etc.

They come with a black velvet pouch with a printed Z logo on them
For more information on how to order please send me an e-mail.

Or you can order it here on eBay

I also have the S30 ones in stock if you are interested

Follow Ups
  • New GZA accessories "Z" logo cufflinks - ArubaDave 17:36:25 08/26/16