TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NISMO 740's, 300 Degree Rails, TT Fuel Pump and Controller
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Subject SELLING: NISMO 740's, 300 Degree Rails, TT Fuel Pump and Controller
Posted by sdhsbaseball on August 21, 2016 at 8:57 PM
  This message has been viewed 932 times.
Screen Name:sdhsbaseball
Real Name:Justin Baier
Location:Chattanooga, TN 37343 USA
Research sdhsbaseball's post history
Message Switched the car over to a Top Feed kit so I don't need these anymore. I have thrown in 4 extra RedHorse fittings for the 300 Degree Rail Kit, I had them laying around and the original blue fittings have a few marks from wrenches. Injectors have ohmed out to the following:

The TT fuel pump supported 600whp on the dyno which is pretty much the limit of these pumps so its still in great shape.

TT Fuel Pump Controller

NISMO 740's + 300 Degree Kit + AN Lines = $850
TT Fuel Pump = $80
TT Fuel Pump Controller = $80
-All prices shipped in the US

The injectors and fuel rail kit are all wrapped up ready to ship.

If people want more pictures on something just let me know.


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