TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - MINT Volk GT-C 18X9 Face 2 5-4.5 Spark Silver Spoke
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Subject WANTED: MINT Volk GT-C 18X9 Face 2 5-4.5 Spark Silver Spoke
Posted by USCZ on August 17, 2016 at 3:45 PM
  This message has been viewed 1063 times.
Screen Name:USCZ
Real Name:Jeff Silva
Location:North Venice, FL 34275 United States
Research USCZ's post history
Message Hi guys. Numb nuts at the tire balance shop scuffed my wheel on all five spokes. Looking for the following spoke center in mint condition. Color is Spark Silver. Thanks for any help!

Volk GT-C, 18X9, Face 2, 5-4.5, Spark Silver

 photo GT-C Rear 2_zpscxqjdwsz.jpg">La-Z-Link

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  • MINT Volk GT-C 18X9 Face 2 5-4.5 Spark Silver Spoke - USCZ 15:45:15 08/17/16