TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - TCA Connector
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Subject WANTED: TCA Connector
Posted by Carlos Ramirez on July 18, 2016 at 9:17 AM
  This message has been viewed 991 times.
Screen Name:Carlos Ramirez
Real Name:Carlos Ramirez
Location:Buford, GA 30519 USA
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Message Good Day I am in need of a TCA (thermo control amplifier) connector I believe its on the M67 on the harness its connected to the Evaporator unit to the left (going to towards center). I need it for a retrofit of R134a. I need just the connector and a few inches of cable.
Please note it won't be on an Auto Air system if its a 90-93. it has to be a manual system or R134a system.

Read about the STV and TCA hear
Z32 Wiki AC STV


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