TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Garage SALE! It must go.
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Subject SELLING: Garage SALE! It must go.
Posted by nismo_boost31 on July 11, 2016 at 9:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 1184 times.
Screen Name:nismo_boost31
Real Name:Lange White
Location:Keene, ND 58763 USA
Research nismo_boost31's post history
Message Here is the deal, I sold the Z and after 12 years I have collect a number of parts. Please offer me a “fair” amount for the listed items. If you low ball me, I will simple throw them away. I will not split up the items, if you bid on the coil packs you will receive all of them. I want this stuff out of my garage!!!

MT Drag Tires, mounted on NA Wheels. $200 for the pair plus shipping. Many passes left on them.
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TurboXS Knock Light Highest Bid
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Custom Kickpanel speaker box. May not work with a 5 spd Highest Bid
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Innovate Wideband: Highest Bid
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Recir-Valves Highest Bid
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T-Top shade Highest Bid
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Box of 3 inch and 2.5-3 inch adaptors and other stuff. You will receive everything. Highest Bid
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CAS. Forgot which year. Highest Bid
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Heater Hose Highest Bid
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AAC Valve Highest Bid
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Coil Packs: Taking Bids. I will not split them up
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TPS Highest Bid
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Windshield washer nozzles Highest Bid
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2 Dampeners and 2 Regulators Highest Bid
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Rods Bearings and gaskets. Highest Bid
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Knock Sensor Highest Bid
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Stock Radiator highest Bid
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