TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Z1 Wheel Spacers: Four 10mm and two 20mm
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Subject SELLING: Z1 Wheel Spacers: Four 10mm and two 20mm
Posted by therin (Plum) on July 10, 2016 at 1:22 PM
  This message has been viewed 582 times.
Screen Name:therin (Plum)
Real Name:Josh Walker
Phone:(850) 635-5334
Location:Denver, CO 80121 USA
Research therin (Plum)'s post history
Message I have four 10mm and two 20mm wheel spacers from Z1. I ultimately ended up exchanging the wheels these were to be used for as the spacers didnt solve the problem. They have been installed on the hubs and tightened down, but never driven on.

This is probably $200+ worth of wheel spacers. Ill let them all go for $75 + shipping. If I cant get them sold by mid August, theyll be going in the trash can. Please feel free to email ( or call/text (850-635-5334) for pics, questions, etc.


Follow Ups
  • Z1 Wheel Spacers: Four 10mm and two 20mm - therin (Plum) 13:22:27 07/10/16