TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Wanted: 2+2 rear seatbelt LATCHES
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Subject SELLING: Wanted: 2+2 rear seatbelt LATCHES
Posted by MalcS on July 07, 2016 at 7:32 AM
  This message has been viewed 561 times.
Screen Name:RepMovZ
Real Name:Malcolm Shedden
Phone:Use Email
Location:Richmond, VA 23103 USA
Research RepMovZ's post history
Message Looking for a pair of rear seatbelt latches for a 2+2 (not the seatbelts themselves). The RED release buttons on mine are really faded - looking for a pair that aren't faded - probably a garage kept car, or one from the North Pole!


Follow Ups
  • Wanted: 2+2 rear seatbelt LATCHES - MalcS 07:32:23 07/07/16