TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Mode door actuator from climate control system
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Subject WANTED: Mode door actuator from climate control system
Posted by doug8867 on July 07, 2016 at 6:43 AM
  This message has been viewed 1156 times.
Screen Name:doug8867
Real Name:Doug Richards
Location:Indianapolis, IN 46256 USA
E-mail:perna at
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Message I'm looking for a working mode door actuator/motor. Must be the one from the driver's side foot well area that mounts to the heater core box. Will have a short plastic arm with an "elbow" bend in it off the back of it.

Looks like this little black box shown in middle left of pic when mounted.

 photo modedoorIMG_2344.jpg

If you have one let me know price shipped to Indianapolis, 46256.

Follow Ups
  • Mode door actuator from climate control system - doug8867 06:43:17 07/07/16