TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Nissan 300ZX TrunkFloor Mats
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Subject SELLING: Nissan 300ZX TrunkFloor Mats
Posted by kmahmood(interior-innovations) on June 28, 2016 at 6:00 AM
  This message has been viewed 916 times.
Screen Name:kmahmood(interior-innovations)
Real Name:Khalid Mahmood
Location:Saginaw, MI 48185 USA
Research kmahmood(interior-innovations)'s post history
Message Interior-Innovations is now offering front and rear trunk floor mats for 300ZX/Z32. These mats will give new look and life to your 25 year old interior!! The material used on these mats is the highest quality, carpet feels

thick and plush comes with flexible ribbed backing. You can order them in either 300ZX or Z logo embroideries, there are 3 colors to choose from, Red, Blue and White/Silver.

Price for front Black Floor Mats is just $95 + $15 shipping
Front mats with Trunk Mat = $175 + $20 shipping
Floor Mats in Tan color = $105 + $15 shipping.

Thanks for looking!
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